It won’t be long before I Love Yarn Day 2016 is here, October 15th to be exact!! And I love that the mission is to Stitch It Forward! The Craft Yarn Council is encouraging all of us to take the time on October 15th to teach someone a craft that uses yarn – crochet, knit, weaving, spin, etc! How fun is that?

Let’s all figure out who we are going to bring to the dark side, I mean teach to crochet (or craft of choice), and get ready for October 15th to Stitch It Forward!
Please click one of the social media icons below to share the post and get the word out about I Love Yarn Day 2016!
My mom taught me to crochet when I was 5 years old and it changed my life forever. Please leave a comment below and tell me who taught you. I’d love to hear your story!

I taught myself how to knit and crochet while pregnant and alone, living overseas. It brought me so much comfort during that time. And like you, it changed my life forever ❤️
I find it comforting as well – it’s my go-to activity!!
My sister taught me to do chain and after that i learn with a collection of fascicles about crochet and other techniques.
My sisters were a big part of how quickly I was able to learn. They were always ready to help me.
I learned to crochet with a ball of kitchen string from my grandmother, all before I started school. Although my grandmother couldn’t read a pattern, she was a master at duplicating an item, and I wish I was better at it! Crochet has gotten me through some tough times when I needed peace and also been a great way to make personalized gifts.
Wow, that’s amazing that your grandmother could duplicate an item with no pattern!!
My great Aunty Betty taught me to crochet one summer when I was around 16. I knew nothing of stitch names or patterns, though until about 5 years ago! Lol. Now I’m totally hooked. <3
Good job sticking with it!! What a gift Aunt Betty gave you!
My mom taught me to crochet when I was about eight years old. I still have the light green aluminum “J’ hook she gave me (over 40 years ago). We celebrated her 90th birthday this year, and she’s still crocheting and knitting; she makes prayer shawls and other items for those in hospital/hospice care.
Aww, how sweet it that? I love that she is still creating!
My Grandma the grandkids called her Mazie, taught me when I was about 6 or 7 years old. Started with size 10 cotton thread, doilies. I still have her hot to crochet book which I used many patterns from. Very vintage now. I kept the tradition and taught my grandkids how to crochet, needle point. knit, and just love the arts of fibers. Only have one grandson but he learned also. They all are very good artists in there own rite. Gifted musicians too dancers also. I have sorta adopted you Drew and also Mikey from the crochet crowd, as grandsons too.
Keep on hooking……. <3
Thank you for sharing this, Beverly… you’ve really made my day. 🙂
I learned to knit as a very young thing. Back in the 1950’s we lived in France and my nanny taught me. Many years later I picked it back up during some hard times, and it was a great comfort to me. An accident caused me to lose about 60% of the use of my left hand, so I taught myself to crochet. I love crocheting, it’s very exciting.
ooh la la! 😉
Hi, Drew! My Mom taught me when I was about 8 years old, but later in life I taught her some things she’d never tried before. So, she used to tell people that I taught her…haha. My paternal grandmother and both paternal aunts all knitted and crocheted, too.
I’ve been well and truly in love with crochet for all these years, and it served many purposes when I was raising my kids. Not only did they always have lots of hats, mittens scarves, etc., but it soothed my nerves amid the chaos of raising four children. When I turned to designing, it also let me contribute to the family income while being able to stay home with our kids. I would never have believed way back when that crochet would so enrich my life, but it surely has, and it has taken me in directions I never would have dreamed of.
I remember the day I realized I knew some things about crochet that my mom didn’t – and we had a lot of fun over the years helping each other with projects and patterns. Some of my most cherished memories before she passed.
My mother taught me how to crochet when I was six. I remember coming home from school one day and seeing a laundry basket beside her chair full of ‘pot holders’. I was fascinated with these pot holders and watched her churn them out, one after another. Such pretty colors; yellow green, pink, yellow, and a cream color. Over the next few weeks I begged her to teach me how to crochet. She finally gave in just to shut me up, I think. I was hooked. I made chains, chains, and more chains! The pot holders turned into a beautiful granny square afghan for my grandmother for Christmas that year. That was in 1968. I’ve been crocheting ever since. I have made many of the ‘pot holder’ blankets through the years. I taught myself to knit about ten years ago and am a knitting junkie. I switch back and forth between crochet and knitting. I will forever be grateful for stumbling upon the basket of pot holders all those years ago and the life time of joy the craft has brought me.
I had a severely visually impaired friend named Maria. She is an amazing knitter/crocheter. I used the old Boye Learn to Crochet book from the late ’80’s and she would finger through my work and say “that looks just right!”
my grandmother taught me to knit when I was around 12. I didn’t stick with it but picked it back up about 15 years ago. Crafting skipped my mom’s generation but she loved my knitting. A lovely yarn shop owner set me on my way and I’ve never looked back. Now I weave, spin and just learned crochet. I love the tactile and color parts of fiber crafting and of course, love the product. My grandmother is long gone and just last year, we lost my mom but crafting will always be my connection to them.
No one in my family knits or crochets… I learned on my own, all inspirited by you.. first learned to crochet then learned to knit, 1st project was the cotton car rags? From one of your books….
My aunt taught me the basic stitches when I was about 14. I would go visit and when my young cousins were in school I would crochet and watch tv. I made a few blankets but they were very basic. About 7 years ago, I met my friend Tina commuting on the train. She is bistitchual and encouraged me to pick up my crochet hook again. Now.. It is my go to activity when I’m stressed, watching tv or just enjoying a quiet day/conversation with friends and family. My family all say I am old before my time but I like to reply its better than being angry and sad! 🙂 I am so thankful for crochet hooks, yarn and amazing people I meet because of it! I love learning new stitches and trying new patterns. I may still do less complicated things than others but I have fun and still try new things!
I learned at 10 while living with my grandmother…….no TV just a lot of games and puzzles kept my cousins and I busy….but after they went home ..out came the yarn…the first stitch I learned was the Afghan or now called Tunisian…. I learned to make potholders….from that stitch and still 59 yrs later I still make them…… Grandma always said learn to crochet and always have a gift….. learned to knit about 6 yrs ago at the library……
so it was over 30 years ago and my BFF at the time took the time to teach me bcz no one else would. our lives were so similar and every Saturday I would spend the entire day having our 2 daughters hang out while she and I did my weeks worth of laundry, talk, laugh and loved each other’s company. A few weeks of Vicki n myself loving our Saturday I told her I really wanted to learn to crochet and she was just as enthusiastic and that very 1st day I learned to ch., SC, DC, and treble crochet. my teacher was so happy I learned so fast. so the next Saturday I brought my laundry, the g hook and the orange yarn she wanted me to work within. I went in and she gave me a gift of 10 skeins All different colors and a Pack of 8 hooks. and to this day, I have made countless of everything from blankets to scarf, etc. so to this date I’m thankful for Vicki n the gift she taught.
I learned how to crochet from a childhood friend she shiwes me how to make a mitten one day while we were in bible study I was hooked. When I was an adult working full time some ladies I worked with showed me how to follow a pattern! I have been crocheting for 43 years and drew I have one of your hat books that’s literally one of my favorite hat books!
My grandmother taught me how to chain and I was hooked, literally. Crochet is my “me” time.
I taught my granddaughter, Morgyn to crochet. She made a scarf for herself while here and after she got home she made one for her friend. I mailed her some ruffle yarn so that she can make scarves for her teachers. Morgyn loves crocheting.
If you like crochet remember the 15th is I love yarn day.
Learned when I was small, can’t remember when. So glad you’re back Mr Dude. Missed you. Chris in UK
I have some books, crochet hooks and knitting needles of my grandmother’s, I sure wish I could have learned from her. I started watching videos but it was my husband’s grandmother that got me going and I continued learning and watching videos. I love both knitting and crocheting!
I’ve been crocheting for almost 10 years and knitting for 6 years. And I’m left handed. Lol
My grandmother taught me to both crochet and knit many years ago. It is one of my fondest memories of time spent with her. Crochet is really my fav! As the years went by, 4 kids and marriage, my grandmother passed when my last child was born and I lost my interest for a while. Now at age 59, my kids are grown and over the last few years I’ve begun to pick up my hook again. I am very slow and not particularly skilled, but thanks to the internet, I’ve learned much more than I ever knew.
I learned on my own from a crochet book. I was struggling as I was crocheting so tightly. But I didn t know till a friend showed me how to hold my hook and crochet more loosely. I still tend to crochet tight but I love it and can follow easy patterns. Enjoy your patterns!