Having chicken stock on hand for cooking is an essential. Store-bought stock is okay and I have totally used it from time to time, but even the low sodium versions of it are really high in salt. So that’s why I gather together the ingredients for my own stock, usually in a zippy bag in the freezer, and when I have enough I throw them all in a big pot to make some of my own homemade stock. You really can taste the difference!

Chicken Stock

©2017 Drew Emborsky, aka The Crochet Dude®


Bones from 2 chickens, preferably ones that have been roasted
2 large onions cut into quarters
1 large celery root cut into eighths
1/2 lb baby carrots
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 bunch parsley
1 tbsp rosemary
5 bay leaves
1 tbsp peppercorns


Place all ingredients in a 16 quart pot and cover with water.

Bring to a boil, then reduce and simmer for 10-12 hours, adding more liquid if necessary. Skim off any scum that forms and discard.

Strain with a fine mesh colander. Optional, strain a second time through cheesecloth depending on how “clear” you want the broth.

I personally don’t like to add salt to the stock. When I go to use the stock to make soup (etc) that’s when I’ll add salt to taste. You can always put a little more in, you can’t really take any out, so I like to sneak up on it.

Once cool, I like to portion the stock into 4 cup containers then freeze.


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