
This square is part of The Flying Afghan sampler afghan. For further information such as yarn and hook size, CLICK HERE


©2016 Drew Emborsky, aka The Crochet Dude®

Color: Nantucket 178

Ch 5, slip st to first ch to form ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 3, in ring work 2 dc, *ch2, 3 dc,* three times. Ch2, slip st to top of beginning ch 3. (12 dc)

Rnd 2: Slip st in next 2 sts and into corner space. Ch 1, *(sc, ch 2, dc, hdc) in ch 2 space. Skip 1 st, (sc, ch 2, dc, hdc) in next st. skip next st, * 4 times. Slip st to first sc.

Rnd 3: Slip st into space. Ch 1, * (2 sc, ch2, sc) in space. Sc in next 3 sts * 8 times. Slip st to first sc. (64 sc)

Rnd 4: Slip st in next st and into space. Ch 3 (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same space. *Ch 5, sc in next ch 2 space. Ch 5, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc)* three times. Ch 5, sc in next ch 2 space. Ch 5, slip st to top of beginning ch 3.

Rnd 5: Slip st in next st and into space. Ch 3 (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same space. * Skip 1 st, dc in next st. Dc in next 5 ch, skip next dc, dc in next 5 ch, dc in next st, skip 1 st, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in corner space. * three times. Skip 1 st, dc in next st. Dc in next 5 ch, skip next dc, dc in next 5 ch, dc in next st, skip 1 st, slip st to top of beginning ch 3. (60 dc)

Rnd 6: Slip st in next st and into corner space. Ch 1, 3 sc in same space. Sc in each st around, working 3 sc in each corner space. (76 sc) Fasten off.


This square is part of The Flying Afghan sampler afghan. For more squares and assembly instructions, CLICK HERE

The Crochet Dude® is a registered trademark of Drew Emborsky, all rights reserved. Do no copy or distribute this pattern – but please share the link with all your friends! Click the green Print Friendly button to print or save as a PDF for your own use.

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